As another part of our business, TRI MODELS provides prototype services in many areas including the energy, automotive and consumer product fields.  In 2018 we delivered a special test cell for testing the burning of CO2 to convert it to usable energy as a new and transformative technology emerges.  We have designed and built custom […]


Tri Models has a long history of supporting the space and missiles industry dating back to the beginnings of the space shuttle program. We have even built valves that flew on the space shuttle system as part of the RS-68 Engines.  As the space and launch systems programs have evolved, Tri Models has played an […]


A good portion of our business revolves around the ground and flight testing activities in the development of new Aerospace systems.  Whenever a customer is developing a new aircraft, missile, launch system or any other highly advanced system or subsystem, ground and flight testing are critical.  Our clients spend hundreds of millions of dollars in […]